Will On-Demand Sales Teams Be The Next Big Thing?

2 Jun, 2015

Will On-Demand Sales Teams Be The Next Big Thing?

Yesterday I read an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal called Coming Next: The On-Demand Sales Force, by Christopher Mims.  It highlights the opportunity of the “sharing economy” and how it can relate to offering sales teams for companies that are not able to afford them directly.

I do believe there is a tremendous opportunity for a start-up that can hire properly in specific markets with the technology that can enable the salesperson to quickly learn about the product and services, and target customers.  It’s not far off from the Independent Sales Reps model which has been around for years.  I’ve worked with this model in the past in the stationery & gift business, and there are plenty of pros and cons.

Any how – this is good read and it will be interesting to see how this concept develops over the months and years to come.


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